If you’re usually using print(...) in Swift to print debug info to the output console, it might be difficult to fight muscle memory and use os_log(...) instead.

Luckily, you can easily create a simple replacement for print() if you want to route some of that sweet, sweet debug info to the app logs and from there see them straight in dataFude!

Additionally, you might have some print statements sprinkled here and there and want to now capture them with dataFude…

Let’s have a look at a simple example of how to re-route that data to the logs:

import os

func print(_ text: some CustomStringConvertible) {
  #if DEBUG
  os_log("\(text.description, privacy: .public)")

Now we can easily print the offset of a table view and see some of the data in dataFude:

func onScroll(_ offset: CGFloat) {
  print("Offset: \(offset)")

  if offset >= 0 && lastOffset < 0 {
    print("Baseline: ↗️")
  if offset < 0 && lastOffset >= 0 {
    print("Baseline: ↘️")

  lastOffset = offset

And, given dataFude is configured to capture data separated by a colon, scrolling through the table will automatically pop some tiles on screen:

width=400 dataFude window